Personal Loan
A Personal Loan is a multi-purpose loan that a bank provides without any security collateral. You may use the money for whatever personal reason. Obviously, since this is an unsecured loan, the bank insists on a clean credit history to obtain a personal loan. Paying credit card bills on time, EMIs on existing loans on time, not having cheque bounces helps in creating a clean credit history.
Based on the repayment capacity of borrower a personal loan is offer from 25,000 to 20,00,000. Personal loan is quick availability of cash when you are in need and can be paid by easy monthly instalments
Personal Loan used for
Calculate you EMI
Personal Loan Features & Benefits
List of Documents Required
- Application form with photograph duly signed
- Identity, residence and age proof
- Last 6 months bank statements
- Last 3 months Salary-slips
- Processing fee cheque
- Form 16 / Income Tax Returns
- Application form with photograph duly signed
- Identity, residence and age proof
- Last 6 months bank statements
- Last 3 months Salary-slips
- Processing fee cheque
- Form 16 / Income Tax Returns
- Education qualification certificate and proof of business existence
- Last 3 years Income Tax Returns with computation of Income
- Last 3 years CA Certified / Audited Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account
- Application form with photograph duly signed
- Identity, residence and age proof
- Last 6 months bank statements
- Last 3 months Salary-slips
- Processing fee cheque
- Form 16 / Income Tax Returns
- Proof of business existence
- Business profile
- Education qualification certificate and proof of business existence
- Last 3 years Income Tax Returns with computation of Income
- Last 3 years CA Certified / Audited Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account
Personal Loan FAQ’s
You can click on apply now tab and fill in the details our representatives will call you shortly to fix up a meeting to process the loan further. You can also call on number 9619-037-478.
Comparison has to be on same amount with same tenure for EMI to judge the lowest EMI.
Its onetime fee and one need to check which is the lowest fees being offered. The range is between 1.50% – 2%.
The above tools help to close the loan early and are really helpful if you expect the cash in near future of the loan tenure. Try to pre pay or part pay and get the bank which gives you these options at no charge. You will be able to reduce Interest over the loan.
Who can give you the loan when you require is the key. Choose the lender base on that.
Personal loan rate for an individual is defined by
- The company he is working at. If it’s a larger known corporate, the rates will be lower. Banks generally refuse to give loans to people working in partnership firms.
- The higher the salary the lower is the rates. Benchmark lowest rates are for people who have more income than 75000 monthly.
- A good credit history also ensures lowest deal.
- Generally Banks give special offers to customers who have salary accounts with them with lesser rates and processing fee.
Most Banks give Personal loans to people who have CIBIL score of above 750. Anyone who has credit cards and loans and paying on time will have a CIBIL score of above 750.Never get scared if you are paying on time. If you have no credit cards or loan and is your first credit then your score is 0 and you need to apply with the Bank where you have your salary account. Most likely they will give you a loan on a 0 CIBIL score.